Livros: referências canhotas em 2005
AA.VV. (2005),
L'Encyclopédie de L'État du Monde 2006 (CD-Rom)
+ L'État du Monde 2006 (livro),
Paris, La Découverte, 2005.Aleinikoff, Alexander,
e Douglas Klusmeyer (orgs.) (2001),
Citizenship Today.
Global Perspectives and Practices,
Washington, DC, Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, 400 pp.Andersen, Gösta-Esping (1989),
The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism,
Cambridge, Polity, 260 pp.Andersen, Gösta-Esping (1996),
Welfare States in Transition.
National Adaptations in Global Economies,
Londres, Sage, 288 pp.Barry, Brian (2005),
Why Social Justice Matters,
Cambridge, Polity Press, 320 pp.Barry, Brian (2001),
Culture and Equality.
An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism,
Cambridge, Polity, 412 pp.Bauman, Zygmunt (2000),
Community. Seeking Safety in an Insecure World,
Cambridge, Polity Press, 168 pp.Bernstein, Richard (2005),
The Abuse of Evil.
The Corruption of Politics
and Religion Since 9/11,
Cambridge, Polity, 144 pp.Bourdieu, Pierre (1997),
Sobre a Televisão,
Oeiras, Celta, 128 pp. (ed. original: 1996).Cipolla, Carlo M. (1998),
Allegro ma non Troppo,
Oeiras, Celta, 82 pp. (ed. original: 1988).Comissão Mundial
Sobre a Dimensão Social da Globalização (OIT) (2005),
Por Uma Globalização Justa. Criar Oportunidades Para Todos,
Oeiras, Celta, 254 pp. (ed. original: 2004).Elias, Norbert, e John L. Scotson (1994) ,
The Established and the Outsiders.
A Sociological Enquiry into Community Problems,
Londres, Sage, 2.ª ed., 240 pp. (ed. original: 1976).Gates Sr., William H., e Chuck Collins (2003),
Wealth and our Commonwealth. Why America
Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes,
Beacon Press, 184 pp. Giddens, Anthony,
e Patrick Diamond (orgs.) (2005),
The New Egalitarianism,
Cambridge, Polity Press, 264 pp.Held, David, Anthony Barnett
e Caspar Henderson (orgs.) (2005),
Debating Globalization,
Cambridge, Polity, 200 pp.Hirschman, Albert O. (1997),
O Pensamento Conservador.
Perversidade, Futilidade e Risco,
Algés, Difel, 205 pp. (ed. original: 1991).Kelly, Payk (org.) (2002),
Multiculturalism Reconsidered.
“Culture and Equality” and its Critics,
Cambridge, Polity, 256 pp.Kovács, Ilona (2005),
Flexibilidade de Emprego.
Riscos e Oportunidades,
Oeiras, Celta, 177 pp.Maalouf, Amin (1999),
As Identidades Assassinas,
Lisboa, Difel, 174 pp. (ed. original: 1998).Massey, Douglas S. (2005),
Return of the “L” Word. A Liberal Vision for the New Century,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 224 pp.Massey, Douglas S.,
e Nancy Denton (1993),
American Apartheid.
Segregation and the Making of the Underclass,
Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 304 pp.Moore Jr., Barrington (1974),
Reflexões Sobre as Causas da Miséria Humana
e Sobre Certos Propósitos Para Eliminá-las,
Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 217 pp. (ed. original 1972).Nóvoa, António (2005),
Porto, Asa, 127 pp. (+ CD-Rom).Pires, Rui Pena (2003),
Migrações e Integração.
Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa,
Oeiras, Celta, 310 pp.Puga, Eduardo Álvarez (2000),
La Irracionalidad Nacionalista,
Barcelona, Ediciones B, 280 pp.Rifkin, Jeremy (2004),
The European Dream.
How Europe's Vision of the Future
is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream,
Cambridge, Polity, 448 pp.Sen, Amartya (2006),
Identity and Violence. The Illusion of Destiny,
Nova Iorque, W.W. Norton, 224 pp. (no prelo).Wenden, Catherine Wihtol de (2005),
Atlas des Migrations dans le Monde,
Paris, Autrement, 80 pp.