Estranha forma de convergência (actualizado com adenda)
1. No seu programa eleitoral, o PSD de Manuela Ferreira Leite anuncia lapidarmente: “Apostaremos na diversificação de ofertas educativas a partir do 7.º ano (via profissionalizante).”
2. Em Education Today, de 2009, a OCDE recomenda: “Limit early tracking and streaming and postpone academic selection: The OECD suggests careful review of early differentiation into schools of different types in those education systems that practise it and holds strong reservations about introducing it in those education systems that do not” (p. 82).
3. Estranha forma esta de convergência com a Europa descoberta pelo PSD.
Antes que alguém se lembre de relativizar a crítica ao PSD com o argumento, à João Rodrigues, de que a OCDE é uma organização neoliberal (tem dias...), convém especificar que a recomendação citada foi retirada do capítulo do relatório dedicado à “equidade e igualdade de oportunidades” e tem a seguinte fundamentação:
“The countries with high quality and high equity have embraced student heterogeneity and avoided premature and differentiated structures: Evidence from PISA (and comparison with evidence at the primary school phase from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study [PIRLS]) and from countries which have introduced comprehensive schooling, suggests that early tracking is associated with reduced equity in outcomes and sometimes weakens results overall. In countries with early selection of students into highly differentiated education systems, differences among schools are large and the relationship between socio-economic background and student school performance stronger” (p. 78).